Dr. Ali Dizaei – Winning the Defamation Case against Daily Mail
Dr. Ali Dizaei has years of experience working as a commander for Scotland Yard. But, he also happens to be an individual, who much like the other people of color in the field, has suffered from several cases of discrimination and defamation in the force.
The corrupt system did target him, including complete investigations that weren't ethical and did not yield any proof either.
His book 'Not One of Us' highlights the various ways in which he suffered as a POC in the force and the atrocious and unfair consequences he had to face for being an advocate for equality in the force.
The Legal Case
Dr. Ali Dizaei has been the target of several defamatory accusations from the Daily Mail and other publications. His family isn't afraid of the system and has taken the time to press charges on these publications. In 2099, The Daily Mail and London Evening Standard did pay substantial damages and costs to the commander as they lost the Defamation case in High Court.
He continues to fight the battle of discrimination while trying to do the right thing every step of the way.
Victory & Apology
Both companies published an apology for the inaccurate portrayal and agreed to the payment. The victory from the companies has been able to finance Dr. Ali's living as he starts a new chapter in his life as a brand new man ready to take on the unfairness of the world.
Dr. Ali Dizaei Family
Dr. Ali Dizaei lives with his wife, who has been supporting his venture for years now. He has been married to Shahameh, or Shy, since August 2007. The happy couple is making the most of their time together. He is also are proud parents of three boys from his first marriage with Downing.
Ali Dizaei has earned his doctor title with his Ph.D. from Brunel University. Before that, he completed his diploma in policing from Cambridge University and received a BA (Hons) and LLM from City University London. He has mainly contributed to the conversation against discrimination as an adviser for race issues to the Home Secretary. Moreover, he came to the limelight in the media due to his criticism of the questions on the promotion exams in November 1999.
Dr. Ali Dizaei has been a front runner in creating conversations related to race and more in the department. He continues to do the same today while working independently. His contribution to the cause till now has been immense. Lastly, he is still willing to help people in need.
Read More Here About Dr. Ali Dizaei - Complete Biography.
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